
The design consists of a uart receiver receiving the input typed on a keyboard (emulated in PS) and displaying the binary equivalent of the typed character on the 4 LEDs. When a push button is pressed, the lower and upper nibbles are XORed. The block diagram is as shown in the following figure.


Source code

-source code


Create a Vivado Project

  • Same operations as Lab1. (Do it yourself this time!)

Add source files

  • You should see a hierarchy like this in your Sources window.

Add code

  • Double-click on the uart_led entry to view its content. Notice in the Verilog code, the BAUD_RATE and CLOCK_RATE parameters are defined to be 115,200 and 125 MHz. Also, notice that the lower-level modules are instantiated. The meta_harden modules are used to synchronize the asynchronous reset and push-button inputs (Read the code!).

  • Expand uart_rx_i0 instance to see its hierarchy. This module used the baud rate generator (It generate a 16x Baud enable.) and a finite state machine. The rxd_pin is sampled at a rate that is 16x the baud rate.

  • Because there are only 4 leds on PYNQ_Z2 board (The source code was oringally used for a differenct board.), so we need to change the code in three files: led_ctl.v, uart_led.v and uart_led_pins_pynq.xdc.

  • The uart_led_timing_pynq.xdc file is not required for this project, as it causes a setup timing problem. This file was originally intended to demonstrate how to analyze timing problems, but it is not relevant for the LEDs, which do not need any timing constraints. However, if you are interested in learning more about timing analysis, you can refer to this:

Document timing

  • Double click on led_ctl.v.
module led_ctl(
    input clk_rx,
    input rst_clk_rx,
    input btn_clk_rx,
    input [7: 0] rx_data,
    input rx_data_rdy,
    output reg [3: 0] led_o

    reg old_rx_data_rdy;
    reg [7: 0] char_data;
    reg [3: 0] led_pipeline_reg;

    always @(posedge clk_rx)
        if (rst_clk_rx)
            old_rx_data_rdy <= 1'b0;
            char_data <= 8'b0;
            led_o <= 4'b0;
            old_rx_data_rdy <= rx_data_rdy;

            if (rx_data_rdy && !old_rx_data_rdy)
                char_data <= rx_data;

            if (btn_clk_rx)
                led_pipeline_reg <= char_data[7: 4];
                led_pipeline_reg <= char_data[3: 0];
        led_o <= led_pipeline_reg;
  • Double-click on uart_led.v
module uart_led(
    input clk_pin,
    input rst_pin,
    input btn_pin,
    input rxd_pin,
    output [3:0] led_pins

    parameter BAUD_RATE = 115_200;
    parameter CLOCK_RATE = 125_000_000;

    wire rst_clk_rx;
    wire btn_clk_rx;
    wire [7: 0] rx_data;
    wire rx_data_rdy;
     meta_harden meta_harden_rst_i0 (
        .clk_dst      (clk_pin),
        .rst_dst      (1'b0),    // No reset on the hardener for reset!
        .signal_src   (rst_pin),
        .signal_dst   (rst_clk_rx)

      meta_harden meta_harden_btn_i0 (
        .clk_dst      (clk_pin),
        .rst_dst      (rst_clk_rx),
        .signal_src   (btn_pin),
        .signal_dst   (btn_clk_rx)

      uart_rx #(
        .BAUD_RATE    (BAUD_RATE)
      ) uart_rx_i0 (
        .clk_rx      (clk_pin),
        .rst_clk_rx  (rst_clk_rx),

        .rxd_i       (rxd_pin),
        .rxd_clk_rx  (),

        .rx_data_rdy (rx_data_rdy),
        .rx_data     (rx_data),
        .frm_err     ()

      led_ctl led_ctl_i0 (
        .clk_rx      (clk_pin),
        .rst_clk_rx  (rst_clk_rx),
        .btn_clk_rx  (btn_clk_rx),
        .rx_data     (rx_data),
        .rx_data_rdy (rx_data_rdy),
        .led_o       (led_pins)
  • You need to add this constraint file (uart_led_pins_pynq.xdc) to your project.

  • Double click on uart_led_pins_pynq.xdc:

# On-board led 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M14 [get_ports {led_pins_0[3]}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {led_pins_0[3]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN N16 [get_ports {led_pins_0[2]}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {led_pins_0[2]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P14 [get_ports {led_pins_0[1]}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {led_pins_0[1]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R14 [get_ports {led_pins_0[0]}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports {led_pins_0[0]}]
# Reset - BTN1
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L19 [get_ports btn_pin_0]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports btn_pin_0]

# CLK source 125 MHz
create_clock -period 8.000 -name clk_pin_0 -waveform {0.000 4.000} [get_ports clk_pin_0]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN H16 [get_ports clk_pin_0]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports clk_pin_0]

Synthesize the Design

Synthesize the design with the Vivado synthesis tool and analyze the Project Summary output.

  • Click on Run Synthesis under the Synthesis tasks of the Flow Navigator pane.

The synthesis process will be run on the uart_led.v and all its hierarchical files. When the process is completed a Synthesis Completed dialog box with three options will be displayed.

  • Select the Open Synthesized Design option and click OK as we want to look at the synthesis output. Click Yes to close the elabrated design if the dialog box is displayed.

  • Select the Project Summary tab. If you don’t see the Project Summary tab then select Layout > Default Layout.

  • Click on the Table tab in the Project Summary tab.

  • Click on Schematic under the Open Synthesized Design tasks of Synthesis tasks of the Flow Navigator pane to view the synthesized design in a schematic view.

Notice that IBUF and OBUF are automatically instantiated (added) to the design as the input and output are buffered. There are still four lower level modules instantiated.

  • Double-click on the uart_rx_i0 instance in the schematic view to see the underlying instances.

  • Select the uart_baud_gen_rx_i0 instance, right-click on it, and select Go To Source. Notice that the line instantiated uart_rx_i0 is highlighted. Also notice that the CLOCK_RATE and BAUD_RATE parameters are passed to the module being called.

  • Go back to the schematic, double-click on the meta_harden_rxd_io instance to see how the synchronization circuit is implemented using two FFs. This synchronization is necessary to reduce the likelihood of metastability.

Generate the utilization and power reports

  • Click on Report Utilization under the Synthesized Design, and click OK to generate the utilization report.
  • Select Slice LUTs entry in the left pane and see the utilization by lower-level instances. You can expand the instances in the right pane to see the complete hierarchy utilization.
  • Click on Report Power under the Synthesized Design, and click OK to generate the estimated power consumption report using default values. Note that this is just an estimate as no simulation run data was provided and no accurate activity rate, or environment information was entered.

Implement the Design

  • Click Create Block Design under IP INTEGRATOR. Click + (Add IP) and search zynq, add ZYNQ7 Processing Syatem into the block design.

  • Create a wrapper on the block diagram and set it as the top file (Do it yourslef!).

  • Right click on the blank part of Diagram, select Add Module…, select uart_led and click OK.
  • Back to Diagram window, add axi uartlite module. We want to send data to the uart_led module through its rx port. To do this, we will use the UART from PS side, which is connected to the ARM core by the AXI protocol. Then, we will connect the tx port of the UART on the PS side (axi uartlite) to the uart_led module in PL. Double-click on this module and configure it as shown in the subsequent figure. To prevent the rx port of axi uartlite from becoming floating, set the rx port to 1 (it is not needed for this project; ensure it remains in the IDLE state). We can disregard other ports, such as the interrupt of axi uartlite, since it’s an output port.
  • Now, let us create the system clock. Right click on the blank part and choose Create port. Set the port name to be clk_pin_0, set the Type as Clock and the Frequency as 125 MHz. And connect this port to uart_led’s clk_pin and ZYNQ7 Processing System’s M_AXI_GP0_ACLK. Remeber to connect the clk_pin to ZYNQ7 Processing System’s M_AXI_GP0_ACLK first and then connect the uart_led’s clk_pin.
  • The rst_pin of uart_led module is active high. You will need to convert it to active low for uart_led module. So add util_vector_logic as a bridge that connect the peripheral_areset of Processor System Reset.

  • Double click on util_vector_logic and set the C_SIZE as 1 and select the not operation.

  • Expand UART in the axi_uartlite module, and connect tx to rxd_pin port of uart_led module. Connect rx to a constant module (add IP and set the value = 0; Figure it out yourself!).

  • Click Run Connection Automation and Run Block Automation, keep in mind not to opt for UART (you do not want to use auto-connection for UART), then click OK.

  • Right click btn_pin and btn_pin, select make external.

  • The whole system diagram is shown in the following figure.

  • You need to ensure that the wrapper file is set as the top-level module of your project before generating the bitstream file. This is because Vivado only uses the top-level module to create the bitstream file, and ignores any other files in your project.

Right click on design_1_wrapper and choose Set to Top if it is not the top file yet.

  • Continue with the remaining steps simliar to what we did in Lab 1 (i.e., Check the port of this module and change the constraint file as needed).

  • Remember to change the constraint file to match the names of the pins.

  • Add this line create_clock -period 8.000 -name clk_pin_0 -waveform {0.000 4.000} [get_ports clk_pin_0] in the contraint file for the primary clock (125 MHz).

By click the Schematic under the Open Implemented Design, and you can check the pin assignments like below:


And the pin assignments of led are below the page.

Generate the Bitstream

  • Click Generate Bitstream under PROGRAM AND DEBUG

Verify the Functionality

  • Download the .bit file and .hwh file to your local PC. If you cannot find these two files, open a new terminal and go the project path, then run the shell command:
find . -name *.bit
find . -name *.hwh
  • Power PYNQ on

-PYNQ code

  • Following the similar steps in the Lab 1. Upload .bit and .hwh, make sure that they have the same name (e.g., design_1_wrapper.bit and design_1_wrapper.hwh). Copy from the upper github source to the folder. Here, we need to fix the write function to fit our project.
def write(self, buf, timeout = 10):
        buf: iterable
        stop_time = time() + timeout
        wr_count = 0
        for i in buf:
            #Wait while TX FIFO is Full, stop waiting if timeout passes 
            while ( & 1<<TX_FULL) and (time()<stop_time):
            # Check timeout
            if time()>stop_time:
            self.uart.write(TX_FIFO, i)
            wr_count += 1
        return wr_count
  • Create a new Python3.
from pynq import MMIO
from pynq import Overlay

import sys
sys.path.insert(1, './src')
from uartlite import *

ol = Overlay("design_1_wrapper.bit")

# Address of the ip core
# Address can be found in the .hwh file 
ADDRESS = 0x42c00000           
uart = UartAXI(ADDRESS)

# Setup AXI UART register

# Loopback test
l = [0x42] #0100 0010
  • Then you can observe the phenomenon that corresponds to the input.

According to the code in led_ctl.v,

if (btn_clk_rx)
    led_pipeline_reg <= char_data[7:4];
    led_pipeline_reg <= char_data[3:0];

If you input 0xd3 and do not press the button, you should see.


Else, if you press the button, you should see.
